Description based on specific commercial transactions
The method of filling out the form differs depending on whether you are a corporate business owner or a sole proprietor.
Column to be filled in (e.g. for corporate business owners)
- Sample Co., Ltd.
Fields to be filled in (e.g., if you are a sole proprietor)
- Sample site Sample Hanako *Please specify the site name and the contract holder name. (Please specify the same as the resident card)
Name of the General Manager
Sample Hanako
post code
Sample 1-1-1, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Explanation of charges other than the product price
Delivery time
Payment Method
Credit card
telephone number
email address
Qualifications and Licenses
Antique dealer license No. •••• Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
Liquor Sales License Shibuya Law ••• Shibuya Tax Office
License for selling highly-regulated medical devices
License number No.
Sales Manager Name: Taro Wicks
Shibuya Public Health Center